Rabb School of Continuing Studies

BOLLI Course Listing Portal

This portal allows you to sort courses by day of the week, class period, duration (5 or 10 weeks), category and modality. Select from one or more of the drop drown menu below to specify your search.
Course TitleWeekdayPeriodDurationInstructorCategoryModality
Current Events (2) (CE1-10-Thurs3) [online]ThursdayPeriod 310CEonline
How can understanding the past help save our future? (H&G117-10-Tue1) [online]TuesdayPeriod 110H&Gonline
It's Still a Material World (H&G6-10-Thu3) [in person]TuesdayPeriod 310H&Gin-person
Hollywood’s Classical Score (MUS4-10-Tue3) [in person]TuesdayPeriod 310MUSin-person
Nazi Perpetrators and Their Descendants: (H&G1-5a-Mon1) [online]MondayPeriod 15aH&Gonline
William Faulkner's Civil War (LIT3-10-Thu3) [in person]ThursdayPeriod 310LITin-person
City Visions (ART2-10-Tue2) [online]TuesdayPeriod 210ARTonline
Goethe's Faust (LIT6-10-Thu3) [online]ThursdayPeriod 310LITonline
Current Events (1) (CE1-10-Wed2) [online]WednesdayPeriod 210CEonline
Moving Right Along (SCI1-5b-Thu3) [in person]ThursdayPeriod 35bSCIin-person
The Music of Israel (MUS5-10-Thu3) [online]ThursdayPeriod 310MUSonline
Music, Art, and Literature of the Russian Silver Age (H&G8-5b-Wed2) [online]WednesdayPeriod 25bH&Gonline
Music and Nationalism in the Romantic Period (MUS3-5a-Fri1) [online]FridayPeriod 15aMUSonline
Whodunit? A Study in Sidekicks (LIT2-10-Mon2) [in person]MondayPeriod 210LITin-person
Yes, You Can Draw (ART9-10-Thu3) [in person]ThursdayPeriod 310ARTin-person
Justice: What is the Right Thing to Do? (SOC7-10-Mon2) [in person]MondayPeriod 210SOCin-person
How to Edit your iPhone Photos (ART5-5b-Thu1) [online]ThursdayPeriod 15bARTonline
America in 2025 - Forces Shaping our Society and Politics (H&G15-10-Tue2) [in person]TuesdayPeriod 210H&Gin-person
American History in Film - Second Edition (FILM4-5b-Mon2) [in person]MondayPeriod 25bFILMin-person
Redlining of Blockbusting of Jews and Blacks (H&G3-5a-Wed1) [online]WednesdayPeriod 15aH&Gonline
Old Crimes: Stories of Jill McCorkle (LIT8-10-Tues1) [online]TuesdayPeriod 110LITonline
Women's Roles Are Changing for the Better. Men Are Being Left Behind. (SOC4-5b-Mon2) [in person]MondayPeriod 25bSOCin-person
The Discreet Shame of Social Class (LIT7-5a-Mon3) [online]MondayPeriod 35aLITonline
Why Greece Matters to the U.S. (H&G7-10-Tue1) [online]TuesdayPeriod 110H&Gonline
Hands-on AI Exploration (for Life-long Learners) (SCI4-5b-Mon2) [online]MondayPeriod 25bSCIonline
Hate and Disinformation on Social Media (SOC6-5a-Wed1) [online]WednesdayPeriod 15aSOConline
So, What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us? (H&G13-5a-Tue3) [in person]TuesdayPeriod 35aH&Gin-person
The Native Peoples’ Version of American History (H&G14-10-Tue2) [in person]TuesdayPeriod 210H&Gin-person
The 1619 Project (H&G4-5a-Thu2) [in person]ThursdayPeriod 25aH&Gin-person
From the Beats to the Hippies: An Evolution (LIT11-10-Mon2) [online]MondayPeriod 210LITonline
Applying Chatbots (SCI2-5a-Thu1) [online]ThursdayPeriod 15aSCIonline
Mid-Century New York City (LIT5-5a-Mon2) [online]MondayPeriod 25aLITonline
Reconsidering the Language of the Readymade (ART6-5b-Mon1) [online]MondayPeriod 15bARTonline
What Makes Sondheim Great (Act II) (DRA2-5b-Thu2) [online]ThursdayPeriod 25bDRAonline
Reading King Lear: The Intrigue of Madness in Shakespeare (LIT10-5b-Thu3) [online]ThursdayPeriod 35bLITonline
A Novel Time: The Plot Against America (H&G5-5b-Thu2) [in person]ThursdayPeriod 25bH&Gin-person
Hopes and Hazards of the Bourgeois Society (LIT14-10-Wed1) [online]WednesdayPeriod 110LITonline
The Art of Collecting (ART1-10-Thu2) [in person]ThursdayPeriod 210ARTin-person
The Art of American Roots Music (MUS1-10-Fri2) [in person]FridayPeriod 210MUSin-person
Representations of Female Defiance (LIT13-10-Thu1) [online]ThursdayPeriod 110LITonline
The Golem: Creation Stories from Kabbalah to AI (FILM3-5b-Wed2) [in person]WednesdayPeriod 25bFILMin-person
From Sympathy to Empathy: The Novels of Lisa Genova (SOC1-10-Thu2) [in person]ThursdayPeriod 210SOCin-person
Code Breaker: The story of Nobel Laureate Jennifer Doudna (SCI3-5b-Mon3) [online]MondayPeriod 35bSCIonline
20th & 21st Century Jewish American Artists (ART12-5a-Thu2) [online]ThursdayPeriod 25aARTonline
Liberty and Slavery - The Paradox of the Founding Fathers (H&G12-10-Thu3) [online]ThursdayPeriod 310H&Gonline
The Cold War in Color (FILM2-5a-Thu2) [online]ThursdayPeriod 25aFILMonline
The Politics of the Common Good (SOC5-10-Tue3) [online]TuesdayPeriod 310SOConline
Jews and the Nation-State (H&G14-10-Tue2) [in person]TuesdayPeriod 210H&Gin-person
Text, Email, or Call?: McLuhan’s Messages in a New Media World (SOC2-5b-Mon1) [online]MondayPeriod 15bSOConline
Exploring Indigenous Art in North America (ART8-10-Mon2) [online]MondayPeriod 210ARTonline
Ban This Book (LIT1-10-Mon3) [online]MondayPeriod 310LITonline
Israel’s Crisis of Democracy (H&G9-10-Wed1) [online]WednesdayPeriod 110H&Gonline
Innovation, Power & the Energy Transition (H&G11-10-Mon1) [online]MondayPeriod 110H&Gonline
Picasso and His Muses: The Man and His Art (ART10-5b-Mon1) [online]MondayPeriod 15bARTonline
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Dueling narratives (H&G10-10-Tue3) [online]TuesdayPeriod 310H&Gonline
The British Are Coming...Celebrate the 250th Anniversary!!! (H&G2-5a-Wed2) [online]WednesdayPeriod 25aH&Gonline
Sunk: Terror and survival on the High Seas (LIT9-5a-Tue3) [online]TuesdayPeriod 35aLITonline
Eugene O'Neill at Sea On Page and Screen (DRA1-5a-Wed2) [in person]WednesdayPeriod 25aDRAin-person
Frank Lloyd Wright: Flawed Genius (ART7-5b-Tue1) [online]TuesdayPeriod 15bARTonline
The Art of Orchestration (MUS2-10-Tue2) [online]TuesdayPeriod 210MUSonline
American Families in the 21st Century (SOC3-5b-Tue3) [in person]TuesdayPeriod 35bSOCin-person
Shakespeare and His Circle (LIT12-10-Wed2) [in person]WednesdayPeriod 210LITin-person
Flash Memoir: Moments From Your Life (WRI1-5a-Tue1) [online]TuesdayPeriod 15aWRIonline
How to Take and Edit Awesome iPhone Photos! (ART4-5a-Thu1) [online]ThursdayPeriod 15aARTonline
Arshile Gorky: Evolution of the Modern Avant-Gardist (ART11-10-Wed2) [in person]WednesdayPeriod 210ARTin-person
From Analog to Digital: An Interactive History of Computing (SCI5-5b-Thu2) [in person]ThursdayPeriod 25bSCIin-person
What Makes a Cult Classic? (FILM1-5b-Thu1) [online]ThursdayPeriod 15bFILMonline
Memoir Writing (WRI2-10-Thu2) [online]ThursdayPeriod 210WRIonline